The 6th annual celebration of all things Gin was represented by more than 75 distillers in London’s Tobacco Dock with around 2000 sippers enjoying this extravaganza.

The two day festival is led by master distillers and business owners who are in attendance to raise the bar every year of the world’s gin delights. The exhibitors presented their products from stylised stands all made from goods-pallets which brought its own complications in terns of fire loading. We placed a large amount of focus on both compliance with licensing and the the service of alcohol given the nature of this project.

Experiential zones were set up to provide immersive experiences including live distilling and DIY gin making. The layout was a big factor as the venue was filled to the brim with stands and zones meaning the visitor flow had to be just right to keep everything ticking over.


Warning! Gin consumption will lead you to believe you are whispering… I can assure you, you are not.

This was certainly an event and experience to rave about, it all went off to great acclaim.