5 Key Event Safety Considerations

We recently contributed to a presentation regarding some of the key aspects that you simply can’t afford to get wrong when it comes to event safety.The list below is not exhaustive and does not presume to be the most important, however in our combined opinion these five objectives, when they are all met, will put you head and shoulders above your competition…
1. Capacity limits
Invariably many hire spaces don’t know their actual safe capacity limit and this can be a really significant factor if there are mixed messages. Misleading advice on the safe maximum capacity figure can lead to events being oversubscribed and when detected can cause havoc when the invites have already gone out and you are left explaining to your client that the actual capacity figure is less then first thought. Been there?? In a worse case scenario that same example might mean not everyone makes it out safely in a fire and if the legal capacity has been overlooked then there would be direct consequences for the responsible party in the overall event management structure.
What to do: Find out how many separate fire exits there are that lead to fresh air (a place of ultimate safety) and obtain their widths, by doing so you will be on your way to determining the safe capacity. However, there are various other factors that go in to a capacity calculation such as the suitability of each fire exit, the available floor space, the event activities, the event management and so on.
2. Supplier competence and management
The suppliers you appoint need to be able to demonstrate their competence for the tasks they have been asked to undertake. RAMS & PLI will attest to this but often for fire hazards, structural work, significant work at height, use of plant (cherry picker, FLT etc) and food safety amongst others there is more from them that you need to request and review. If a supplier’s competence has gone unchecked and they somehow contribute to a failure on-site (accident, property damage, fire etc) this failure can be attributed to the company who appointed them to resolve in terms of insurance claims and even legal actions.
What to do: Understand what each supplier is being asked to do and request the necessary evidence of their competence, review it, request further information where out’s sound to be inadequate, and make sure it all stacks up!
“ Invariably many hire spaces don’t know their actual safe capacity limit and this can be a really significant factor...”

3. Fire safety – material suitability
It’s pretty easy to unwittingly fill up an event space with flammable materials and not even realise the overall impact that may have. Usually it’s just a case of requesting that the suppliers or hire companies can demonstrate that the materials such as drapes or furniture, timber etc to be used have flame retardancy to a certain level via a fire certificate.
What to do: Ask the question, obtain the relevant fire certificates. When there is no such thing available then the materials can be treated with various flame proofing measures as long as this is done properly and recorded. A simple fire test can be initiated to provide further evidence of this.
4. Event safety during the build/de-rig
For complex or time pressured builds and de-rigs it pays huge dividends to have an individual on-site tasked with safety and nothing else. If the PM has this as a dual role and is already stretched then you’ve got to appreciate that safety may be taking a back seat and therefore unnecessary risks are being taken. This isn’t necessary for all events, as after all there are budgets to consider – but the ones that would benefit from this invariably really do.
What to do: Getting the right person who can be helpful, solve problems as they are discovered, focus on the safety of the event staff, and attendees and keep your reputation and that of your clients protected, is priceless.
5. TDS and their requirements / CDM15
TDS (temporary demountable structures) e.g. marquees, large stages, self supporting seating and complex structures have specific requirements that need to be met to ensure their safe installation and use. Similarly the CDM 2015 regulations (construction design & management) have legal obligations to ensure that certain projects are notified to the HSE and also have specific responsibilities for key duty holders that must be applied, and adhered to.
What to do: Often a lot of the steps required are met by carrying out detailed pre event planning, producing safety paperwork specific to the project and reviewing key supplier files but equally many events do not conform to the regulations which can have serious consequences for the end client.